Quick-start - CloudFormation

StorageFabric can be set up using AWS CloudFormation, creating cloud instances of a StorageFabric Configuration Manager and StorageFabric Gateway. CloudFormation can be used to quickly and cost-effectively deploy StorageFabric remotely.

Setting Up StorageFabric CloudFormation


  • You must have access to StorageFabric AMIs and CloudFormation template. For more information, see the full product documentation

  • You must have an AWS account with sufficient permissions to create StorageFabric EC2 instances. Required permissions are described in the AMI User Policy JSON.

  • SSH public key must be added to AWS to access created instances via SSH


  1. Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to CloudFormation.

  2. Click the “Create stack” button and select the “new resources” option.

  3. Upload the cloudformation.yaml file provided and click “next”.

  4. Fill in the stack details page. Refer to the help text in the parameters section for information about each parameter.

  5. Optional: specify stack options on the next page, or leave settings with default values.

  6. Review settings and create stack. This process will take several minutes.

Troubleshooting information for CloudFormation can be found in the AWS Documentation.

Using StorageFabric CloudFormation Instances

Find StorageFabric instance information (IP Address, Public IPv4 DNS, etc.) under the EC2 section of the AWS Console.

Configuration Manager Web/REST API

The Configuration Manager Web Interface and API are reachable through the Configuration Manager’s public IP address at port 5600. E.g:


Where 123.456.789.012 is the public IPv4 address of the Configuration Manager instance.

For more information on the Configuration Manager REST API, see the full product documentation.


By default EC2 instances do not use SSL (HTTPS) for connections. To configure SSL, see the full product documentation.


To SSH into the Gateway or Configuration Manager, log in using the centos user and the Public IPv4 DNS address of the instance.

Below is an example command to SSH into an EC2 instance:

ssh centos@ec2-12-345-678-901.compute-1.amazonaws.com

After logging in as the centos user, you can switch to the root or StorageFabric users to further configure StorageFabric.


You muse use the SSL keypair specified during CloudFormation creation to connect. AWS also has additional requirements for keys used to connect.

For further SSH instructions, see EC2 SSH documentation

File Browser

The StorageFabric file browser is reachable at the Gateway’s public IP address, at port 8000, for example:


For more information on the file browser, see the full product documentation

System Web/REST API

To use the System/Setup API and Web Interface, SSH to the Configuration Manager as described above and create a user:

sudo -u storagefabric storagefabric-config-users add -u admin -p password

You can use this user to authenticate to the System API and Web Interface. The Web Interface is located at:


For more information on System Web/API, see the full product documentation